
Elysian Studios: The Artful Life: Thanksgiving Turkeys Made with the Kids!


We love the holidays simply for the time we get to spend together doing out-of-the ordinary things.  This is a simple (and yummy!) craft to do with children. 


You’ll need:

1 package Oreo Cookies

1 bag Reese’s Miniature Cups

1 box Whoppers Candy

1 bag Candy corn

White icing (We used prepackaged Betty Crocker Decorating Icing)

To Assemble:


1. “Glue” two Oreos together with the icing. Be generous, and you may need to hold it for a minute to stabilize.


2. “Glue” one Reese’s cup with the widest side pressed against the back Oreo.

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3. Add the Whopper on top of the Reese’s cup for the head. img_2002-5099791

4. Stuff Mr. Turkey’s candy corn feathers into the Oreo icing (don’t push them too far in or the cookie will separate.)

5. The beak is the pointed end of a candy corn.  Adhere this with icing and add two icing eyes.  We found it easiest to lay the turkeys on their backs, and then we left them for the icing to set. img_2004-8606117 img_2005-2074241

These are going to be so cute set at our Thanksgiving table, and the kids had a great time creating their flock of turkeys!


Elysian Studios: Etsy Treasury: “Skip the Mall Etsy has it All!” by beadsoul

I am so excited to be a new member of the Denver Etsy Team! Already I can tell there is a spirit of camaraderie and support, not to mention a group of very talented artisans! Beadsoul, one of our fellow businesses,  featured our “Lonely Peach” painting in this great treasury, which is full of lovely gift ideas for everyone on your list! Click here to see the wonderful variety of handmade items beadsoul has gathered!

“Why would you ever hassle with the crowds, traffic and long lines? Here is everything you need!

Featuring team members from the Denver Etsy team and the Sneak Team!”

Skip the Mall, Etsy has it all! Treasury by beadsoul

I’d also like to point out a few lovely items on sale at beadsoul: 

“Art Resin Pendant and Necklace” $45 by beadsoul


“Earrings-Copper, Brass and Sterling: Riveted” $22, by beadsoul

 It’s going to be a great season of fellowship and fun for the artisans of Etsy, and those of us based in the Rocky Mountains!  Let us help you find something unique for that special someone this holiday!


10 Reasons Why Art Education is So Important | Elysian Studios

10 Reasons Why Art Education is So Important

Categories: Art Education, Elysian Studios, family


1. Making Art involves critical thinking and problem solving.

2. Art empowers students to take risks and do something different.

3.  In an age of instant gratification, Art teaches commitment to learn a skill and complete a project.

4.  The Arts are an extension of other curricula.  Math, Science and Language are all needed to create.

5.  Art equips students with a diverse set of skills needed to enter institutions of higher learning and the workplace.

6.  Participation in the Arts builds relationships between students and teachers and among peers.

7.  Involvement in the Arts improves self-esteem and builds confidence.

8.  Art teaches students to be more tolerant and open through multicultural and historical perspectives.

9.  Art develops a students ability to critique their own work and that of others and knowledge of how to make multiple revisions to create high quality work.

10.  Art helps a child develop emotionally and socially, contributes to a positive work ethic and pride in a job well done.


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