
The Artful Life: 10 Crafty Tips to Boost a Child's Self-Confidence and Improve Academic Performance: #10 | Elysian Studios

The Artful Life: 10 Crafty Tips to Boost a Child’s Self-Confidence and Improve Academic Performance: #10

Categories: business, family, The Artful Life

As parents, we strive to help our children grow up to be healthy, productive adults. Times are changing faster than ever, and parents are working harder to make ends meet. With constant introduction to new technology, as individuals and as a family, we have more choices than we’ve ever had before. So how do we stay focused and ensure we give our children the best upbringing possible? In this series we will share some tips we have found that help children develop a positive self image, and encourage success in the classroom.

#10: Hire Them

There’s no better way to learn how to manage money than when you actually have some, and the best way to get money is to earn it.  Though their primary needs should be taken care of by the family, how can kids earn some extra cash for those bonus treats they tend to pine for?  Hire them.  Chores are fine employ: “feeding pets”, “cleaning room,” “taking out trash,” “dishes,” etc. We also think it is great to pay them for a skill they have developed on their own.  For example: one of our sons loves to draw comic books.  We enjoy reading them and have agreed to purchase newly created comics (though it has to pass a certain level of standards). 

Our younger son loves to color.  I needed help coloring designs for an Elysian Studios project, and I agreed to pay him to help me develop color schemes.  It actually worked out quite well!  We also currently have a standing order for a new video to add to the blog, like the one in Tip #9. 

If you own your own business, is there something your children could do to be a part of that success?  Is there something your kids are extremely talented in which you would be willing to pay them a little to produce a new “product”? 

Nothing makes you feel better than when you have been rewarded for your talent.  Being able to save up for your own purchase with your own money creates a wonderful feeling of self-sufficiency.  Learning how money works is an exercise in mathematics your children will use for the rest of their lives.  This is also an excellent way to prepare them for having a career, where pay is a result of a service or product you have provided to your employer/customer.

What are some creative ways your children have earned extra money?

We’ve reached Tip #10!  We hope this has provided a few interesting ways to encourage your children to believe in themselves and succeed in school.

Missed earlier tips? Start here

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The Artful Life: 10 Crafty Tips to Boost a Child's Self-Confidence and Improve Academic Performance: #2 | Elysian Studios

The Artful Life: 10 Crafty Tips to Boost a Child’s Self-Confidence and Improve Academic Performance: #2

Categories: family, The Artful Life

As parents, we strive to help our children grow up to be healthy, productive adults. Times are changing faster than ever, and parents are working harder to make ends meet. With constant introduction to new technology, as individuals and as a family, we have more choices than we’ve ever had before. So how do we stay focused and ensure we give our children the best upbringing possible? In this series we will share some tips we have found that help children develop a positive self image, and encourage success in the classroom.

#2: Family Movie/Game Night

image by Chris Blakeley via Flickr

How about revisiting all the classic games you played as a kid: “Monopoly” ,”Clue” ,”Operation” ,”Scrabble” “Chess”? Each one teaches great lessons in math, language, strategy, cooperation and competition! Invite friends and family over to join in the fun! It’s amazing the bonds that form when you laugh, discuss and rub in a victory!  We love “Farkle” and also recommend the new series of Lego games, especially “Harry Potter.”  Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a family “Rock Band” jam session or round of Wii Bowling, either!
What are your favorite family movies and games?

Stay tuned for tip #3 tomorrow!

Did you miss the first tips? Start here

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Artists at Play: Art Bead Scene Ornament Blog Hop | Elysian Studios

Happy Holidays from Elysian Studios!

I’m excited to be a part of the Art Bead Scene Blog Hop!

See the list of participants below, and click on their links to see their wonderful ornaments!

To spread some Holiday Cheer, we are giving away one of these ornaments, so leave a comment and a winner will be chosen at random on December 10th!

My ornaments for this year were inspired by my character, “Little Zen” (and who doesn’t need a little of that this time of year?)  Visually, these are incredibly simple, the construction process was a bit more involved.  The birds are sculpted from white polymer clay, and drilled for beading.  Each one is then adorned with red peppermint-inspired accents at their neck.. One has a flowing red scarf with a peppermint swirl brooch, one has a sparkling necklace made with peppermint skinner blend discs, and the third boasts a ring of delicious peppermint candies, all made with polymer clay.  A handmade red and white holiday bead hangs below each bird, who is nested in a hand-cut and assembled two-tone bayleaf wreath.  All have been strung for hanging with additional red glass and gold metal beads, with a gold clasp used for the top hanger and a bottom “branch.”  Handmade tags from Polyshrink film were inscribed with our logo and the date to commemorate this holiday season!

Art Bead Scene 

Creative Impressions in Clay

Diva Designs

Elysian Studios – you are here!

Fab Fibers

For the Love of Beads


Island Girl’s Insights


Jeannie’s Blog

Lampwork Diva/Cindy Gimbrone

Mary Harding

Michelle Mach

Spirit Rattles

Wondrous Strange Designs

Much thanks to Art Bead Scene and Humblebeads for organizing this fun event!