Elysian Studios Welcomes 2011 | Elysian Studios

Elysian Studios Welcomes 2011

Categories: blogging, business, DenverEtsy, design, Elysian Studios, ETSY, Etsy Treasury, family, fiber art, Giveaways, Holidays, Irreverant Couture, jewelry, marketing, painting, Rocky Mountains, The Artful Life


2010 was the year we decided to take the plunge and get our studio started.  Despite feeling the effects of the economic downturn and having no assurance that our hard work would pay off, we committed to forging ahead with our dream of building a design business that focused on many aspects of creative life.  Elysian Studios has begun its journey. 

“Elysian” (pronounced i-‘li-zhen) means “blissful, delightful” and is “of or relating to Elysium”. In Greek mythology, Elysium was a section of the Underworld, and the Elysian Fields, or the Elysian Plains, were the final resting places of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous.  The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, the most prestigious avenue in Paris and one of the most famous streets in the world, is French for “Elysian Fields.”  The goal of our studio is to share that blissful, delightful experience of creativity with our audience.  From contemporary fine art and art history, to current textile, jewelry and craft trends, we want to facilitate exposure for artists, art communities, creative techniques and aesthetics.  

2010 Looking Back…

We now have a social media platform! We are very active in the Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Etsy and LinkedIn communities, and have made some wonderful connections.

We have an inventory! Keeping up with production along with promotion is challenging, but this year we were able to get our painting, textile and jewelry lines started. 

We had some sales! It was so exciting to see some of our items included in Treasuries on Etsy, or in tweets by our friends, and we have sent some lovely artwork off to new homes for the New Year!

2011 Looking Ahead…

Social Media: the Blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Etsy communities are not only fun, but an amazing resource.  We will grow our base and use these tools to help connect artists to each other, and also to share art with other communities.  Look for more contests and promotions, as we try to build audience interactivity this year. In addition we will invite more “Featured Artists” to share their inspiring work and stories with us!

Inventory: We are so excited about our “Irreverent Couture” line.  We will be producing more jewelry and accessories that push the boundaries between jewelry and textiles!  There will also be several new series of paintings. White is going to be a big theme this year.  Paintings of Snow/Mountain Sports and Apilco porcelain are in preparation stages.

Involvement:  We are members of the Denver Art Museum and DenverEtsy, but will also be joining the Parker Artist’s Guild this year.  Volunteering and participating in art events with these local communities will be a big part of our schedule.  Our perspective will always be from Colorado, and we want to maintain involvement and share all the great things happening in the art world here!

Family:  First and foremost, we are a family-owned business, and will always promote family values.  Though we won’t share every cute milestone and goofy photo, we want to encourage creative activities that families can do together.  Recipes, crafts, and unique activities will add a little variety to our topics!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, and Welcome 2011!!  May you all have a very blessed year, and we look so forward to sharing it with you!

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