
How to Use ICE Resin to Make Custom Pendants | Elysian Studios


Last week, I shared this photo of some pendants I was working on, using ICE Resin.  Due to the excited response from many people who have wanted to try this material, but haven’t quite mustered up the courage, I decided to create a tutorial to share.  

This is a wonderful product that has enormous potential, and I encourage you to give it a try!





Once you have all of your images sealed and trimmed, make sure they still fit nicely in your bezels.

If they are too small, a good remedy is to use your acrylic paints to paint the inside of the bezel in a color that coordinates with the  image.  If they are too big, you may be able to burnish the image in.  If  it still pops up, you will have an air bubble problem, so you will have to re-trim. You will also have to make sure you reseal your image.  If you have used the xerox technique, you should be able to avoid this problem.

To pour the resin, watch this video:

Did you see the cool Heart Pendant I mentioned in the video?  Stop by my Facebook page to see how I made it! {It’s reversible!}

I hope you try working with ICE Resin- it really is a great way to customize your jewelry.

Have you worked with other resins? I’d love to hear about your experience!


How to Use ICE Resin to Make Custom Pendants | Elysian Studios


Last week, I shared this photo of some pendants I was working on, using ICE Resin.  Due to the excited response from many people who have wanted to try this material, but haven’t quite mustered up the courage, I decided to create a tutorial to share.  

This is a wonderful product that has enormous potential, and I encourage you to give it a try!





Once you have all of your images sealed and trimmed, make sure they still fit nicely in your bezels.

If they are too small, a good remedy is to use your acrylic paints to paint the inside of the bezel in a color that coordinates with the  image.  If they are too big, you may be able to burnish the image in.  If  it still pops up, you will have an air bubble problem, so you will have to re-trim. You will also have to make sure you reseal your image.  If you have used the xerox technique, you should be able to avoid this problem.

To pour the resin, watch this video:

Did you see the cool Heart Pendant I mentioned in the video?  Stop by my Facebook page to see how I made it! {It’s reversible!}

I hope you try working with ICE Resin- it really is a great way to customize your jewelry.

Have you worked with other resins? I’d love to hear about your experience!


“These are the days when Birds come back” | Elysian Studios

“These are the days when Birds come back”

Categories: Colorado, family, The Artful Life

“These are the days when Birds come back-
A very few- a bird or two- 
To take a backward look.



“These are the days when skies resume

The old-old sophistries of June-
A blue and gold mistake. 6128680316_9cecce5f5a-1563015
“Oh fraud that cannot cheat the Bee-
Almost thy plausibility
Induces my belief.

6128147949_4d38e8af7f-5353600 6128150391_11c7c879fd-1570350

“Till ranks of seeds their witness bear-

And softly thro’ the altered air
Hurries a timid leaf.

6128716550_7b48465150-8090005 6128702250_fb972c9ec6-1355623

“Oh Sacrament of summer days,

Oh Last Communion in the Haze-
Permit a child to join.



“Thy sacred emblems to partake-
Thy consecrated bread to take
And thine immortal wine!”

-Emily Dickinson


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Castlewood Canyon State Park, Colorado

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