
Midnight Surf: A Handcrafted Jewelry Collection | Elysian Studios

Midnight Surf: A Handcrafted Jewelry Collection

Categories: Midnight Surf, Shop Elysian Studios, Shop Jewelry


Midnight Surf is a line of Jewelry created by

Erin Fickert-Rowland exclusively for Elysian Studios.

Click on the images below to browse the individual collections.

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Shop Elysian Studios | Elysian Studios

Shop Elysian Studios

Categories: Shop Elysian Studios


Welcome to the Elysian Studios online shop!

Click on the links below to browse the collections.

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Pssst… There's Something Exciting Coming Up! | Elysian Studios

Pssst… There’s Something Exciting Coming Up!

Categories: Elysian Studios, giveaway

Photo by Elessar via Flickr

I am working on a lot of new things for Elysian Studios that I am very excited about! 

First, there are some new jewelry collections that have recently been completed: Amethyst Garden and Urban Prairie.  Instead of just sharing my finished collections unexpectedly with you, I have been putting together some eye-candy inspiration boards using Pinterest (here and here), to give a glimpse of my creative process.  

Additionally, I have begun to create some fun fashion collages   to demonstrate how my unique art jewelry can be incorporated into a fashionable wardrobe.  I have frequently been asked to share ideas on how to wear my jewelry, and Polyvore is the best solution I have found to style my pieces. Using this tool, however, has been a bit of a learning curve, and it has kindly started creating blog posts without me knowing it. I apologize if you have seen a few things come through that looked a bit incomplete!

I would love to hear your feedback about introducing my work to you in this way.  So far, it seems like many of you have been enjoying these additional posts. It creates more work for me, but I am happy to share my inspirations with you, and am enjoying the process.  I have a few more things to tweak, and you will see those posts in the next few days.

“I thought you said there was something EXCITING coming up?!”

Photo by Ed Yourdon via Flickr

There is!

I will be hosting a GIVEAWAY!

I have been going through ideas for awhile, but haven’t had the right thing present itself… until now!  I am really excited about this, and I hope you will be too!  I can assure you, it isn’t what you think it is going to be!  Look for my post for all the details and your chance to enter later this week!

I want to take a moment to say “THANK YOU” so much to all of my readers, fans, followers, friends and family who continue to support and encourage me on this journey.  I can’t do this without you, and I appreciate you more than it is possible for me to express.  

So get ready to have a bit of fun with me!

Are we connected? Keep In Touch!

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